2007年4月17日 星期二

期中考 circle

The life is beautiful, but everybody faces the environment so different, and destiny is different too. So, if we are diligent to create in our own life, everybody will have beautiful future. Time is precious, everybody’s time is limited, some people can do a lot of anything, the ones that and can make are very good, but some people can not do even a thing well during the same time, will only seek pleasure simply. As the saying goes “Time is money”, we should not waste time, there are too much beautiful things for us to pursue in the life, we want to study how to abundant application time, the ones that let life pass more substantial.
There are a lot of great men can let us to imitate in the world, among them, my most admiring is Einstein! He is a giant of the physics circle, he as Newton famous. Appearance of him make to progress of physics, whom he make great effort work out a lot of theory. He not only and live for himself, his effort make it change one’s own life, has changed this world too, enable our science and technology to progress so, and the quality of the life can be so good.
After reading the poem by Longfellow , it let us not to waste time , no longer lack courage , can go to face destiny bravely too. People can live there in his use in this world, do not be sad because have a lot of shortcomings oneself believe that it must be useful to be born my material.


All's well that ends well.(善終為善)
As you sow ,so shall you reap.(種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆)
Bad news travels fast.(惡事傳千里)
Where there is a well there is way.(有志竟成)
Constant dripping wears away the stone.(滴水穿石)
Easier said than done.(說易做難)
Even Homer sometimes nods.(智者千慮必有一失)
He that touches pitch shall be defiled.(近墨者黑)
Heaven helps those who help themselves.(天助自助者)
It is easy to be wise after the event.(不經一事不長一智)
The leopard cannot change his spots.(江易改,本性難移)
Love is blind.(愛情是盲目的)
Money makes the mare go.(有錢能使鬼推磨)
Like father, like son.(有其父必有其子)
Do in Rome as the Romans do.(入境隨俗)
The biter is sometimes bit.(害人反害己)
Birds of a feather flock together.(物以類聚)
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.(情人眼裡出西施)
There is no rose without a thorn. .. (沒有十全十美的人生)